Math Club

The Online Math Club for students in Grades 6 to 9 (5th Graders with a special referral from their teacher) meets bi-weekly on Fridays. Students are taught new concepts and techniques, with an emphasis on solving outside-the-box problems.

In 2024-2025 Math Club will be held online only,  6:30 - 8:00 pm on the following Fridays:
March 21, April 4, 18, May 2, 16, 30.

Students of all abilities are welcome; the only requirements are an interest in mathematics, a desire to be challenged, and the commitment to attend the club sessions. While students of  MathAltitude receive special preference, we accept a limited number of  non-MathAltitude students. Please contact us for availability. 

We hope to expose the students to a wide variety of problem types. Our goal is to create an exploratory and collaborative learning atmosphere where children can explore interesting math concepts and techniques beyond what they see in their other math classes. Topics vary from month to month and include thought-provoking and tricky math concepts, as well as puzzles and games.


IMG_1648Mr. Dale, Math Club instructor, explains one of his lessons: 
Students explored mathematics without the use of numbers. Starting with Mobius strips (a piece of paper that has only one side), students verified that
the paper had only one side (surface) and then made predictions about what would happen when we cut the Mobius strip lengthwise once, and then cut lengthwise a second time. We then explored a famous puzzle called the Bridges of Konigsburg - which helped lay the foundation for areas of   Mathematics such as graph theory and topology. We also briefly discussed the mathematics of soap bubbles and used a cubic prism to produce a tesseract with soapy water. Students also learned a game called Reversi which requires strategy and analysis of patterns to defeat the opponent.  

Workshops fee: $35 per each of 6 90-min classes - for not enrolled in MathAltitude students. Discounts are provided for MathAltitude students - please ask in the office.

Questions: contact us at, or call us at (860)-37 LEARN.

